Created by Paige and Gigi, two women with husbands serving indefinite prison sentences, and determined to not be defeated by our “justice” system, Love Within Walls is a supportive community and podcast dedicated to connecting and empowering prison wives. Through their active Facebook group, members find a safe space to share their experiences, seek advice, and offer encouragement. The Love Within Walls podcast further amplifies these voices, offering honest conversations about the realities of having a loved one behind bars. Their commitment to fostering understanding and solidarity aligns perfectly with Pentionery's mission to support and uplift prison families through thoughtful, meaningful stationery. Discover our collaboration here.
Discover more or listen to Love Within Walls: a Prison Wife Podcast.
The Locked Door is a podcast that sheds light on the complex issues within the prison system, from the experiences of families with incarcerated loved ones to stories of injustice, reform, and hope. Hosted by the owner of Pentionery, a prison wife and advocate, the podcast encourages listeners to challenge preconceived notions and become active in prison reform efforts. Through meaningful conversations and advocacy, The Locked Door seeks to foster connections and provide support to those affected by incarceration.